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Streetcar KC a Rivercity Mafia Tour


Tour Kansas City's notorious underworld along the Kansas City downtown Street Car/ Walking Tour.

When ethnic groups migrate to a new city, they establish their own customs as they live amongst each other. 

In the Italian section of Kansas City, aka Little Italy, the code was Omerta. "You handled your own affairs." 

In order to do business, one had to pay the ever-looming Machiavellian "Black Hand".

Take the KC Mafia Tour to see and hear the arousing story of the Kansas City Mafia and understand its historic power.

Ideal for: Birthday Gift, Corporate Outing, Team Building  or Group Activity 


Thanks again Erik for today's tour!! You did an AWESOME job and I've already told my family about using you for our reunion. I'm spreading the word because we really do not know the history here in KC and how African Americans really contributed to our city. It was a great experience and didn't know how much history but BLACK history is here in KC."


—  Dana Conway Kindle

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